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Promotion of the law firm website: what is important to consider

There are no fundamental differences between the promotion of a site or the advertising of the lawyer services / law / notary company itself and the promotion of a resource that sells phones or provides other types of services. The run and advertisement algorithm compiled by specialists is based on well-known principles and criteria. Nevertheless, high competition in this specific segment forces certain corrections to be made. But even they do not interfere with understanding that using the Internet to search for new clients who need legal assistance is not only an effective, but also quite affordable advertising tool. Any company can use it!

It is important to take into account the main strengths of your law firm when promoting it, on the basis of this draw up the correct semantic core and proceed to bring the site to the top positions in search engines. To solve this problem, it is important to find a law firm seo expert. In parallel, you can use other online marketing tools that will only increase the return on your costs!

The specifics of promoting sites on legal topics and effective advertising on the Internet

  1. All attention to reputation. In a legal niche, like nowhere else, the reputation of your company is important. If the forums are full of negative reviews and comments about your company, then even going to the TOP issue will not give the expected results.
  2. The quality of work of call center specialists. The conversion level, that is, the number of callers turning into customers, largely depends on the skills and competence of the consultant who receives calls. This is no less important than a competent structure or convenient website navigation.
  3. High promotion results are possible both when moving through positions and traffic.
  4. A combination of online and offline advertising and i-branding techniques. Various offline events, sponsorships and other marketing tools always complement competent online work and classic advertising.

Recommendations for promoting a legal site:

  • Offer free consultations and promote the site for relevant search queries.
  • Create a “Q & A” section and / or “legal guide” to attract the target audience and form an expert status in your industry.
  • Bet on a wide range of services. Narrowly targeted legal sites are more difficult and expensive to promote on the Internet. That is why at the request of “family lawyer” in 95% of cases you will go from a search by link to a company that offers other specialized services.
  • Introduce the target audience to a team of lawyers. Not only real photos of specialists, but also a short biography, information on won affairs, etc. will increase confidence in the site and the company.
  • Track references and reviews both about the company as a whole and about its individual lawyers.
  • Create useful and high-quality content that will help with solving the problems of a potential client. The bet should be placed on combined content containing both informational and commercial components.

Take an integrated approach, which involves the use of other online tools in addition to search promotion.

What else works effectively in the niche of legal services?

Additional promotion channels for a site on the topic of jurisprudence include the following:

  1. Contextual advertising. It is justified and beneficial for remarketing (returning users who previously visited the site), as well as for well-targeted and niche phrases.
  2. SMM Creating communities in social networks allows you to control your reputation and reviews, and use these pages as an additional advertising tool (targeting). Here, the target audience can find professional content and go to a promoted site.