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How to use hashtags in Instagram

By using hashtags, both target subscribers and accounts of Internet stores, salons, etc. can move to your page and subscribe to it. What kind of audience you will attract depends on the choice of hashtags and the correct use of them. Before using our tips, you should make sure that the account can appeal to the target audience. One important step will be the need to buy subscribers, which you can do here https://poprey.com/instagram_followers. Now let’s take a closer look at hashtags and the specifics of working with them.

There are three types of hashtags:

  1. High-frequency. They are used by everyone: #sky, #cinema, #love. There are a million or hundreds of thousands of these in the app.
  2. Medium-frequency. Most often they relate to a particular theme: #eurovision2020. There are thousands and tens of thousands of such tags.
  3. Low-frequency. They are used infrequently. Their frequency is equal to 5-10 thousand mentions.

To promote the page use all three types of tags. You can easily be found in searches or seen in your feed. It is better to add no more than 10 hashtags to each publication, the maximum number is 30. You can add them not only at the end of the article, but also directly in the text of the post, if the tag fits the meaning. If you doubt the effectiveness of hashtags as a promotion method, here’s the entire list of functions they perform:

  • Through hashtags, you can find themed posts in a search;
  • Through tags you can find people interested in the topic of your account, and attract their attention to your profile by likes, comments or subscriptions;
  • Weak tags, where there is little competition, make it easier to rank at the top;
  • Your post will be seen in their feeds by all users subscribed to one of the tags you added to the post.
  • Hashtags can be used to create collections of posts on certain topics, making it easier to navigate your posts.

There are a few more basic guidelines for using hashtags:

  1. Hashtags should match what you are writing about in the post, or what is reflected in the photo. They are how users find the information they need on Instagram, so you don’t want to mislead them with tags that don’t match the essence of the post.
  2. You can use popular hashtags to develop Instagram, but take medium and low-frequency tags more often. There are already a lot of posts with high-frequency hashtags, and yours will be hard to spot among so many publications.
  3. Don’t use the same set of hashtags.  The more varied the tags you use, the wider the range of users who will come to your account.
  4. Do not use tags that are added for mutual exchange of likes: #like4like.  You will attract a low-quality audience through such tags.
  5. Subscribe to hashtags corresponding to the subject of your account, and your page will appear in the recommended section of those users who have also used these hashtags.
  6. If you have a new account, you should not use hashtags with a frequency greater than one hundred thousand. 
  7. Before you add a particular tag, look at what posts have already been posted under that tag. If these posts are of much higher quality than yours, you will most likely not be able to make your way to the top under this tag.
  8. A month after a post is published, it’s best to remove all hashtags from it. Then, if some of the tags suddenly fall under the sanctions of the social network, your account will not be affected.
  9. Do not add more than 30 hashtags in one post.

You have seen that you can use hashtags to promote your publications and account. Therefore, for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to develop Instagram on their own, hashtags will be an indispensable tool in this difficult matter. This is a great way to get new instagram followers and succeed in this social network.